„What do
you think the Davion's are up to?“ The young merc pilot of
McCarron's Armored Cavalry seemed anxious, having missed the intense
fighting of the day before. The elder man standing next to him, a
Sergeant, was taking a sip of his coffee. After he swallowed the hot
brew, he looked into the distance over the rolling hills, fruit
groves and the wheatfield, which dominated the center of his view. An
almost picturesque scenery, if not a war was
going on. „Nuthin' fancy, my boy. The Davion's are as exhausted as
we are. It'll take 'em a while until they have recovered. I think
they will strike in the mor...“ A thunderus explosion drowned the
Sergeants last word. Both men looked into the direction the explosion
came from and only seconds later, they saw it: long lines of grey
BattleMechs, wearing the sun and sword emblem of the hated house
Davion. „Guess you were wrong!“ the young pilot called out, while
running to his waiting Wasp. „Damnation!“ The Sergeant spilled
the last of his cup of coffee and got into gear himself...
After the first days success of the
attacking house Davion and their 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT
on Sarna, the second day was a completely different thing. Alerted,
the defending Liao mercs, the famous McCarron's Armored Cavalry, were
there in full force! Having secured the strategic important hills and
ridges south and east of the small industrial hub of Gettysburg, they
blocked the landing field of the spaceport due to long range
artillery and LRM fire. But the Davion's were in desperate need of
reinforcements and supplies.
General Gordon Hartstone, CO of the 5th
Syrtis Fusiliers RCT, ordered flanking attacks on the left and right
of the enemy lines. Hood's and McLaw's companies moved under the
cover of the Seminary Ridge south, to attack the Liao right flank
near some wooded hills, called Little and Big Round Top. Expecting
them and the area on the way to be unoccupied. What Hartstone did not
know was, one company commander of McCarron's Armored Cavalry
disobeyed orders and he had moved his troops into the forefield of
the Round Tops...
As you can see, the
Davion's were taking again the role of the Confederated troops of
General Lee, while the Liao mercs are played the part of the Union
army of the Potomac. I wanted the BT scenario to be at an epic scale,
but still to have it playable on a single day. Therefore I used again
my BattleStrike rules, which are a mix of Classic Battletech and
Alpha Strike.
Originally I had
planned to represent every brigade, which was involved in the
historical battle, by a complete lance of BattleMechs. Even though I
limited the time to move a complete lance to max 7 minutes, this
would have caused a playtime of about +18 hours … which would not
have been acceptable. So I reduced both forces in the correct ratio
to 6 lances (24 mechs) for the attackers and 7 lances (28 mechs) for
the defenders. As a result of my research, in the historical battle
of 2nd
July 1863, both forces were similar in size, but the Confederate
brigades were viewer, but more powerful. While the Union brigades
were more numerous, with less soldiers in it. This was represented by
a higher average tonnage of the attacking Davion lances compared to
the defending Liao lances.
Enough of this
preliminary talking, let's get into fighting!
Battle Report!
The defending Liaos
had to set up their first four lances in the forefield, putting one
lance in each of the target areas and the fourth one as a picket line
in front:
- Peach Orchard (5 Victory Points)
- Wheatfield (5 Victory Points)
- Devil's Den (5 Victory Points)
You noticed the
thing about the victory points in the brackets. Instead of having one
big goal as in our day 1 scenario, I decided to go for more target
areas on day 2. At the end we had five, adding these two on the list:
- Ceminary Ridge (10 Victory Points)
- Little Round Top (10 Victory Points)
The side which took
and held more of these points at the end of turn 14, would have won
the battle.
Hood's company made
the first move in the south-west corner of the battlefield, heading
east on a straight line, south of Devil's Den. The plan was, to rapid
outflank the Liaos most southern position at Devil's Den, swing
around and take Little Round Top and force the Liaos to
counter-attack to the terms of the Davions. This kinda worked, but
not 100% as intended. The defending Liaos were very cautious in the
beginning, almost not opposing the Davion advance. The Liaos were
instead regrouping, moving reinforcements from the Wheatfield AND
even Peach Orchard to the south.
Right in this moment
McLaw's company came up west of Peach Orchard, falling into the flank
of the Liao lance, moving south on the Emmitsburg Road. The thrust of
McLaw's company was swift and decisive, killing the full lance
without own dead losses, but some of their mechs were severely
Meanwhile Liao
reinforcements had arrived on the field from the north-east corner of
the map. But instead of going south, two of their three lances headed
straight west toward Peach Orchard, engaging McLaw's company. One of
McLaw's lances had already been detached to move south to Devil's Den
to relieve Hood's company, which got under rising pressure from the
concentrated Liao forces, moving into their flank and rear.
Hood had already
secured Little Round Top, but his slowest and most powerful lance was
already crippled. Due to accurate long range weapons fire, the
leading Marauder-3D was already destroyed, one of Hood's Archer fell
during the crossing of the river and it wasn't able to catch up.
Getting under constant pressure from a powerful Liao reinforcement
lance from the north and three of the four original defending lances,
Hood's company began to falter.
But the lance of
McClaw's, rushing in from the rear of the main Liao force, seemed to
turn the tide. As Hood's defense of Little Round Top seemed to hold,
the Liaos itself found themselves caught in the middle. But just as
the Davions were ready to engange, the commander of the Liao
reinforcements took heart and pushed the Little Round Top and the
surrounding area. The Davion commander needed to split his forces,
originally planned to hammer the main group of the Liaos and though
the thrust became not as powerful as originally intended. Kills and
losses were at even terms at this critical moment and so neither the
fights for Devil's Den, nor Little Round Top were decided until the
end of the day.
Only on the opposite
side of the battlefield things were settled. The two lance's of
McLaw's company had wiped out completely one of the reinforcement
lances and reduced the other one, while taking some losses themself.
Most of the remaining Liao mechs fled back to Ceminary Ridge, but the
Davions were too exhausted to follow. Additionally time ran out...
The Results
House Davions 5th
Syrtis Fusiliers managed to destroy 14 Liao mechs with a total of 740
tons! The Davion losses at the end of round 14 were only 7 mechs with
a total of 470 tons. Both sides had 1,430 tons of BattleMechs
available. This would mean the defending Liaos lost about 52% of
their force, while the attacking Davions lost only 33%.
...the attacking
Davion's only managed to take and secure the Peach Orchard, claiming
5 Victory Points. Devil's Den was mostly secured by the Davion's,
while the Wheatfield was in no possession of either side. Little
Round Top was still contested until the end of the battle, while the
Ceminary Ridge was still well secured behind the lines of the
defending Liaos. This means:
Davion: 5 Victory
Liao: 10 Victory
The Davion's could
claim a tactical victory, while it was a strategical loss. The
defending Liaos did not only held or at least contested the critical
terrain until the end of the 14th
round, but also managed to damage the attacking force severely. Even
if the Liaos had withdrawn from the fight, the Davion forces would
have been in no shape to press the attack to the north and drive the
Liaos from the critical positions on and around Cemetary Hill.
So congratulations
to the Liao troops and their commanding officer, Icke Carter.
It has been a hell of a fight!
It has been a hell of a fight!
List of Casualties:
Davion 5th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT
Battailon, 3rd
Company: Hood “For Whom the Bell talls”
Lance: Law (280 tons)
Marauder-3D (DESTROYED)
Warhammer-6R (SEVERELY
Crusader-3R (DAMAGED)
Lance: Robertson (225 tons)
Wolverine-6R (DAMAGED)
Griffin-1N (DAMAGED)
Lance: Anderson (175 tons)
Phoenix Hawk-1
Battalion, 1st Company: McLaw's Rule
Lance: Kershaw (255 tons)
Warhammer-6D (SEVERELY
Thunderbolt-5S (DESTROYED)
Lance: Barksdale (250 tons)
Thunderbolt-5S (DESTROYED)
Centurion-A (SEVERELY
Lance: Semmes (245 tons)
Thunderbolt-5S (DESTROYED)
Liao McCarron's Armored Cavalry
Battalion, 3rd
Company - Sickles
Lance: Graham (255 tons)
Lance: Ward (245 tons)
Marauder-3L (DESTROYED)
Hunchback-4G (DESTROYED)
Lance: Trobriand (255 tons)
Cataphract-1X (DESTROYED)
Warhammer-6L (DESTROYED)
Catapult-C1 (DESTROYED)
Trebuchet-5N (DESTROYED)
McCarron's Armored
Skirmishers (140 tons)
Phoenix-Hawk 1 (DESTROYED)
Battalion, 5th
Company – Sykes
Lance: Tilton (220 tons)
Lance: Sweitzer (195 tons)
Hunchback-4G (DESTROYED)
Centurion-A (DESTROYED)
Enforcer-4R (DESTROYED)
Hatchetman-3F (DESTROYED)
Lance: Vincent (120 tons)
Wolfhound-1 (SEVERELY
Initial positions of the Liao defenders in Peach Orchard, the Wheatfield and Devil's Den. |
Trobriands Lance prepares for the attack in Peach Orchard. |
Hood's company attack's in columns in the south-west of the battlefield. |
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All Liao forces rushes south to intercept Hood's attacking company. |
The Liaos are setting up a stiff defense around Devil's Den with reinforcements from the Wheatfield. |
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Surprise! McLaw's company shows up in the flank of Trobriands lance while moving south. |
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Hood's company rushes west toward Little Round Top, leaving Law's lance more and more behind. An Archer already fell while crossing the river. |
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McLaw's company clears the Peach Orchard from Liao troops. |
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Suddenly Liao reinforcements flank McLaw's left. |
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The Liaos in Devil's Den get heckled by Davion troops. |
Intense fighting south of Devil's Den. |
Coming from Peach Orchard, Kershaw's lance manages to push most Liao troops out of Devil's Den. |
Final round: Little Round Top is still contested, Devil's Den is mostly secured. |
Close up: Little Round Top is still contested. |
Close up: The engagement south of Devil's Denn rages on. |
Final round: Most Liao forces flee from Peach Orchard to Ceminary Ridge, while the Davion's mop up the rest. |
Close up: The final situation in the Peach Orchard. |